AdvanceNet Labs
Our mission is to transform the way the world empowers people who have been marginalized
We are a Technology for Good company with over 20+ years of social sector technology experience. We provide the tools, content, and supportive services your learning program needs to transform lives.
We have received technology grants and other support from the Cornerstone Foundation since 2014. Cornerstone LMS is the world’s largest corporate learning technology organization. Our certified Cornerstone experts have built customized portals for 35+ different nonprofits and social sector agencies around the globe. We have a curated library with over 5,000 professional and life-skills training courses as well as over 100 workforce pathways.
We leverage our extensive custom technology development skills to build technologies and apps targeted for Adult Education and Literacy. WorkReady Mobile® is the leading mobile app in the Adult Basic Education space, serving programs nationwide.
We provide a full suite of services for impact, all at social sector rates. Our core technologies are often donated or deeply discounted.